Streamlined Sponsorship for Aged Care Workers on TSS 482 Visa in Australia


Streamlined Sponsorship for Aged Care Workers on TSS 482 Visa in Australia


Learn about the Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement (ACILA), a game-changing initiative to recruit overseas aged care workers for Australia’s aged care sector, addressing critical labor shortages.

New Opportunities for Aged Care Workers in Australia:

As of May 5, 2023, the Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement has been expanded, creating exciting sponsorship prospects for foreign workers in four key roles:

Personal Care Assistants

Nursing Support Workers

Aged or Disabled Carers

Therapy Aides

How the Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement Works:

Discover how businesses can access the global pool of aged care workers and sponsor them on the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) through the Labor Agreement with the Department of Home Affairs. This arrangement requires demonstrating genuine labor shortages among Australian candidates.

Benefits of the TSS 482 Visa:

Qualified aged care workers can live and work in Australia for up to four years with the TSS 482 Visa. After accumulating two years of full-time work experience in the country and holding a Certificate III in Aged Care, they become eligible for permanent residency under the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186).

Two Pathways to Permanent Residency:

For Experienced Aged Care Workers:

Apply for a sponsored TSS 482 Visa through an aged care center with a Labor Agreement.

After two years of work experience and meeting age and qualification criteria, apply for the Permanent Employer Visa Subclass 186, gaining permanent residency in just two years.

For Aspiring Aged Care Workers:

Obtain a Student Visa to study English and Aged Care in Australia.

Upon completing the required qualification or gaining 12 months full-time experience, apply for a sponsored TSS 482 Visa through a Labor Agreement.

After two years of work experience, meet age and qualification criteria to apply for the Permanent Employer Visa Subclass 186, obtaining permanent residency in four years.

Requirements for Visa Application:

Ensure you meet these essential requirements before applying for the TSS 482 Visa:

Australian Certificate III in Aged Care or 12 months of full-time (or 24 months part-time) experience in Australia.

A Skills Assessment for overseas experience and studies.

Minimum IELTS 5 English proficiency.

A job offer from an Australian Aged Care center with a Labor Agreement.

Let Ultimate Migration Help You:

Benefit from the support of our dedicated Study Division, assisting with course enrollment and securing employment in aged care.

Solving the Aged Care Labor Crisis:

The Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement’s recent changes offer hope to Australian businesses seeking direct aged care workers from overseas, significantly mitigating the labor shortage crisis in the aged care industry.

Contact Us Today:

Are you an employer in the Aged Care Industry or a worker seeking permanent residence? Contact us via our convenient contact form or call +61 0425 554 302 to discuss your options with our expert team.

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