Partner Visas and Family Violence

Partner Visas and Family Violence

Partner Visas and Family Violence

Australia, known for its diverse culture and welcoming nature, has always been a sought-after destination for many.

Among the various visas available, the Partner visa is one that allows individuals to live in Australia based on their relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident. However, there are concerns and misconceptions surrounding this visa, especially when it comes to family violence.

This article aims to shed light on these concerns and provide clarity for those in need.

Can Your Partner Cancel Your Visa?

One of the most pressing concerns for many is the fear that their Australian partner, who sponsored their visa, can cancel it, especially in situations involving family violence.

The fear is palpable, especially for those holding a temporary Partner visa (subclass 820 or 309) or a Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300).

To address this concern head-on: No, your sponsoring partner cannot cancel your Partner visa.

The most they can do, if you’re on a temporary Partner visa, is to withdraw their sponsorship.

While this might sound alarming, it’s essential to understand that even in such situations, there are provisions in place to protect the visa holder.

For those who already possess a permanent Partner Visa (subclass 100 or 801), there’s even less to worry about.

Unless there was fraudulent activity during the visa application, your partner has no power over your permanent visa status.

Navigating Family Violence Concerns

No one should endure family violence, and Australian Immigration Laws echo this sentiment.

Temporary Partner visa holders do not need to tolerate abuse to secure a Permanent Partner visa in Australia.

The law allows victims of family violence to apply for a Permanent Partner visa without adhering to the typical 2-year genuine relationship requirement. However, the relationship’s authenticity at the time of the initial application remains a crucial factor.

It’s also worth noting that claims of family violence require specific evidence as prescribed by law.

Given the sensitivity and complexity of such situations, it’s always advisable to seek professional legal counsel when making such claims.

What Constitutes Family Violence?

Family violence is not just about physical harm; it encompasses a spectrum of abusive behaviours that can lead to the irrevocable breakdown of a relationship.

Essentially, it refers to situations where the bond that once qualified you for a partner visa has deteriorated beyond mending due to abusive circumstances.

To navigate the legal implications of such a breakdown, especially in the context of visa applications, it’s imperative to furnish concrete evidence. This evidence aids your Migration Agent or Lawyer in crafting compelling ‘submissions’ to the Department.

Examples of such evidence include:

  • Official reports of assault given to law enforcement.
  • Testimonials or letters from medical professionals who treated you during or post-separation from your ex-partner.
  • Photographic evidence highlighting injuries resulting from abuse.
  • Captured correspondence, whether as screenshots or other formats, that display a history of abusive communication.
  • Audio or video recordings that can further substantiate claims of abuse.


Understanding and recognizing these forms of evidence is crucial for anyone navigating the complexities of family violence within the framework of Australian immigration laws.

Support Systems in Place

Australia boasts a robust support system for genuine victims of family violence.

Both governmental agencies and not-for-profit organizations offer assistance, ranging from accommodation and food to travel costs.

These organizations also provide relationship counselling, aiming to salvage relationships where possible, especially when children are involved.

Furthermore, community legal centres, well-versed in the challenges faced by victims, offer invaluable assistance. They maintain strict confidentiality, ensuring the safety and well-being of the victims. For those facing communication barriers, these centres can also arrange interpreters, often at no cost.

Additional Resources

For those seeking more information, the Australian Department of Social Services offers comprehensive fact sheets on Family Violence and Partner Visas. These resources are designed to be easily understood and provide a wealth of information for those in need.

Moreover, services like Ultimate Migration offer specialized assistance for Partner visa issues and other Family Law matters, ensuring that individuals have the best possible guidance during challenging times.

In Conclusion

While the intricacies of Australian immigration laws can be daunting, it’s crucial to remember that there are systems and support networks in place to protect and assist those in need.

Whether you’re facing challenges with your Partner visa or navigating the complexities of family violence, know that help is available.

Always seek professional advice tailored to your situation, and remember, you’re not alone.

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